Welcome To Kumar Engineering Company
Thus a new company namely M/s. Kumar Engineering Co. was established in 1966 under the auspices of M/s. Bharat Bend Mfg. Co., to manufacture “BENDCO” products for agricultural and domestic sectors. Many items required by these sectors although simple in nature and easy to conceive, need careful engineering attention so as to offer these items confirming to national / international standards.Kumar strived successfully in opening the export market during 1971-72 for “BENDCO” brand products. The main outlet was to Middle East countries. The supply to export market steadily built up early covering more countries and increased quantum.
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Uttam Dairy Road, Behind Sukhram Nagar,
Rakhial, Ahmedabad, 380023 Gujarat, (INDIA)
Phone : (079) 22744021
Whatsapp : 9375215252
Whatsapp : 9824036707
Email : bendco@yahoo.com
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